


最近兩個禮拜真是有點給它忙… 上禮拜廖先生的哥哥也結婚了!! 娶得嬌妻&我們多了個大嫂這樣~ (雖然她比我們小 哈哈)  
真的很替他們感到開心 : )   而且妙的是我和sharon(大嫂lol) 居然不約而同的在婚禮結束後一起剪了短髮… 難道是傳說中的廖家媳婦小默契嗎!?  哈哈哈

是的, 本人這次是認真把頭髮剪短了~ ~ (上次還在留戀韓妞風 所以剪不夠短)  
而且不只短, 還染了一個從未嘗試過的髮色 – 亞麻灰綠!  
其實距離上一次的白金色已經五六年有吧, 再一次看到淺色髮在自己頭上老實說還挺不習慣的… (一直在心裡想說這哪位?)  
但本來就是趁還沒太老的時候(已不年輕) 多試試不同風格嘛  haha  

好啦  聊得差不多, 可以回到主題了 wakaka

相信住在LA的人多少都有吃過這道”拌雜菜 japchae”  
許多韓國料理餐廳送的小菜會看見它的身影, 如果沒送的話 大概可以在店裡menu上看到, 而且通常都不便宜 (一份可能將近$10美金)  

我每次看到都會想到底為什麼可以賣這麼貴??? 這明明就是超級簡單的料理啊!!  
好啦, 也許是因為它的製作過程蠻費時, 但還是一道可以輕鬆在家做出的菜呀!  

japchae是將韓國特有的薯粉(番薯製成的粉絲, 吃起來類似冬粉 但是更有嚼勁) 和各種蔬菜攪拌在一起! 
而這道菜要做的好吃的訣竅就是毎樣食材要分開料理, 這樣才能保留各樣食材的原味和口感, 如果想要偷懶一次炒所有食材  有可能紅蘿蔔就太軟了, 或是菇還不夠熟…之類的

雖然費時, 但這樣料理出來的拌雜菜  真的誇張好吃!!  
我做了一大鍋  瞬間被清空!  


chitchat time before step into the kitchen/

been really busy for the past couple of weeks... mr. liao's older brother got married last sunday!! woo hoo~~ so i officially have a beautiful sister-in-law now! i'm truly happy for them : )  and the funny thing is that sharon (the bride) and i both got our hair cut short after the wedding without telling each other we gonna do it! what a coincidence! 

yes, i really cut my hair short this time. (last time i was still wanting the korean style mid length curly hair). and this time not just short, i also got a color that i've never tried before - ash! it has been like 5 - 6 years since i had my blonde hair... so it actually felt quite weird seeing myself with light color hair again! but i just wanted to try something different before i'm getting even older LOL. you'll get to see my new hair style in the next lookbook post : )

ok! enough of chatting, let's get back to our recipe~ haha


it's been a while since i posted my last korean food recipe! i believe most of us living in la has eaten this "japchae" before. you'll see it in many of the korean restaurants. they'll either serve it as one of the free side dishes, or they'll have it on their menu. but the price is usually not too cheap, maybe around $10, which i think it's kinda although it requires a certain of times to cook, but the steps are somewhat easy, the ingredients are not expensive either.. i totally think we can make it at home instead of order it outside! 

japchae is composed of a special korean sweet potato noodle and assorted veggies (even meat). and the secret trick of this recipe is to cook each ingredient separately. that way the ingredients can retain their original flavors & the right hardness. if you want to cook them all at the same time, then maybe the carrots will turn out too soft or the mushrooms too firm...etc.

even though this dish takes some times & patience to make, but the result will not disappoint you! it's soooooo good! i made a huge pot and it got consumed right the way! 

let's see how to make it~ 



薯粉  (당면)





菇  (通常是加香菇  但我不吃 所以改用白玉菇)









  1. 肉絲加蒜末、糖、胡椒、醬油、麻油  拌勻冷藏
  2. 蛋打勻, 小火煎薄片, 放涼後切絲
  3. 鍋子熱水 燙菠菜, 取出後沖冷水, 接著擠出水分(大概就好), 切短; 然後放在一個大鍋子或大碗裡 (等下所有食材會在這個鍋/碗裡攪拌)  拌入一點醬油和麻油
  4. 可以用燙菠菜那鍋繼續煮粉絲, 煮熟後瀝乾放入大鍋 剪短, 加醬油、麻油、糖, 攪拌均勻  
  5. 鍋子熱油  炒洋蔥&蔥段, 加少許鹽, 大概炒2分鐘, 取出放入大鍋
  6. 炒白玉菇 約2分鐘, 取出放入大鍋
  7. 炒紅蘿蔔絲 約40秒, 取出放入大鍋
  8. 從冰箱拿出醃好的肉絲, 炒至外表變色 約1分多鐘, 取出放入大鍋  (只要熟了就可以關火, 炒太久肉會乾硬)
  9. 大鍋食材裡加入蒜末、醬油、糖、胡椒、麻油, 然後用吃奶的力氣把它們拌勻!  (也可以用手抓  會比較省力)
  10. 加入蛋絲和芝麻 就完成了!
  11. 可以再依照個人口味  增添醬油/糖/麻油  (我是喜歡甜一點的)

korean japchae (sweet potato noodles)


sweet potato noodles / dangmyeon  (당면)

beef (steak better), cut into thin strips



onion, sliced

green onions, cut into 2" long pieces

any kind of mushrooms

carrots, julienned

garlic, minced


black pepper

soy sauce

sesame oil




  1. add garlic, sugar, pepper, soy sauce, sesame oil to beef strips, mixed well and put into refrigerator.
  2. mix egg with a pinch of salt. heat up skillet over low heat, add a little oil, pour in the egg mixture and tilt the skillet around so it spreads thinly. cook for 1 minute then flip and cook for another 30 seconds or so. turn off heat, carefully take out the egg, let it cool, then slice into thin strips.
  3. bring a pot of water to a boil, add the spinach and cook for 30 - 45 seconds. take the spinach out and rinse under cold water (using a strainer). after it cools down, squeeze out the excess water. cut into 2" pieces. place into a big pot or bowl (you'll mix all the ingredients in this pot/bowl, so pick a big one!) add a little soy sauce & sesame oil, mix well.
  4. use the same pot of water to boil the noodles until they are soft and chewy (stir occasionally so they won't stick together). drain and cut them a few times using kitchen scissors inside of the big pot. add soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar. mix well.  
  5. heat up skillet over high heat, add oil with onion & green onion, add a pinch of salt, stir fry for about 2 minutes. take them out and put into the big pot. 
  6. cook the mushrooms using same skillet for about 2 minutes until soften. take them out and put into the big pot.
  7. cook carrot strips using the same skillet for 40 seconds. take out and put into big pot.
  8. take out the marinated beef strips from fridge, stir fry it in the skillet until they are no longer pink. take out and put into big pot. (do not over cook them). 
  9. add garlic, soy sauce, sugar, pepper, sesame oil into the big pot and mix well. (you can use your hand to mix, it's easier)
  10. add in the egg strips and sesame, then it's done!
  11. you can add more soy sauce/ sugar/ sesame oil according to your taste. personally i like it sweeter.

每樣食材的口感都很好, 牛肉軟嫩, 蔬菜清脆, 薯粉超級Q~ 
帶著甜味 超級開胃!!  不知不覺就會嗑掉一大碗…. (幸福臉) 
而且它冷食熱食都ok, 炎炎夏日吃它非常適合~

偷偷說  我覺得這個食譜比很多外面賣的還要好吃, 更適合華人的口味這樣  哈哈

each ingredients has their best texture/hardness. the beef is soft, veggie is crisp, noodle is chewy! and the sweetness just makes me finished the whole bowl without knowing it! you can eat japchae hot or cold, so it's great for summer! trust me, it's soooo refreshing & yum!!

and to tell you a secret... i think this version of japchae tastes even better than some of the korean restaurant ones! i guess it suits more to chinese people taste, haha. if you like korean food, try this at home! you'll not regret it!

summer is here, stay cool! 





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