
好久之前和姐姐去的貴婦下午茶!  但其實一點也不貴  哈哈
LA和OC有不少間tea room和hotel都有下午茶, 大部份價錢都嚇死人..  
但我和姐姐只是想坐下喝茶聊天來個姊妹bonding time, 氣氛到就好, 所以選了chado

我們去pasadena的分店, 週六下午生意還不錯, 稍微等了一下才有位子
店裡空間不大, 桌距蠻近的, 但整體也還頗復古溫馨~

茶店當然擺有許多茶具和茶, 有一組美麗的茶具應該是每位女孩的夢想之一吧!  
只是每次看到價錢都會滅火.....哈哈哈  (也算是好事?)

sis and i had our afternoon high tea a while back, but it wasn't "high" at all! there're plenty of tea rooms & hotels in los angeles/orange county that offers afternoon tea, but most of them at a crazily expensive price... we just wanted to sit down and chat while enjoying some tea and snacks, just a time for sister bonding, so we chose chado since their price is fairly reasonable! 

we went to the pasadena location on a saturday afternoon. it was almost packed. the space is not big, tables are pretty close to one another, but the overall feel is very cute & cozy! and of course there're tons of tea accessories available for sale. i think a beautiful tea set is every girl's dream! it's just every time i saw the price, the desire to own them will get quenched....hahaha (i guess it's a good thing? lol)

他們的afternoon tea tier 一人$18!  超級平價 :D
內容包括: 一壺茶, scone和水果, 四個tea sandwiches, 餅乾與甜點

超過兩百種以上的茶任你選, 這事隔有點久遠.. 我只記得我選了什麼伯爵的 lol 
重點是我的茶壺上面有隻貓貓!!  (天意啊天意~)

四種三明治, 分別是
salmon/ 煙燻鮭魚, cream cheese, 上面放上dill和檸檬
limerick/  小黃瓜薄片, cream cheese, 和滿滿的蔥
(姐姐傻眼hahaha)   (她不吃蔥)
punjab/ 某種茶醃過的蛋, 加上美乃滋和蔥 
souchong chicken/ 雞胸肉拌美乃滋&蔓越莓越橘醬

我最喜歡souchong chicken!  特製的醬甜甜的又帶點微酸, 好好吃 -w-

their afternoon tea tier ($18) includes a pot of tea, scone & fruits, 4 tea sandwiches, cookie and cake. the whole set actually fills us up pretty well... there're more than 200 choice of tea selections, it's been a while from now, i only remember i got some kind of earl grey. and it wasstrong! (my focus was on that cutie cat on top of the teapot! meow~~)

the 4 kinds of sandwiches are: 
smoked salmom/ served open faced on dark rye bread with cream cheese then topped with baby dill and a slice of lemon.
limerick/ cucumbers served on buttered bread then decorated with cream cheese and green onions.
punjab/ eggs marinated in lapsang souchong smoked tea then combined with mayo and green onions.
souchong chicken/ shredded smoked chicken breast combined with mayo and cranberry lingonberry sauce.

they are all pretty good. i especially loved the chicken one! the sauce are sweet & a little sour. yum!

scone也不錯, 很酥脆~  是水果口味的喔!
我們的應該是藍莓和杏桃, 即使不抹果醬也吃得到淡淡水果味
但抹上果醬和鮮奶油當然是更好吃啦 :D

餅乾沒啥印象... 巧克力奶油草莓塔也沒啥印象   哈哈哈

食物大致上不差, 雖然沒有到驚艷, 但也不會覺得錢花得不值得~
女生聚在一起就是可以沒顧忌的亂聊, 聊完了各自滑手機也不會尷尬!  : )

想要享受下午茶的悠閒 又不想錢包大失血, chado是不錯的選擇唷!

the scones were pretty good too! very crisp! and they were made with whole fruits. i believe ours are blueberry & apricot. they are fruity even without the jam~ but better with the cream and jam of course :D

don't have much impression on the cookie & choco strawberry tart...haha (probably because i was already full by that time..)

the overall food & tea was not bad, not amazing, but at least i felt the money spent was worthy~ the whole point of afternoon tea is the atmosphere, isn't it? girls get to chat until they are out of words, and it won't feel weird or anything even when they are just sliding their own phones : )

if you want to enjoy a chill afternoon with friends and teas, but don't want to throw a tons of money, chado is a good choice!

chado tea room  (pasadena location)

79 n. raymond, pasadena, ca 91103
626 431 2832 

daily / 11:30am - 7pm




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